Hillsboro Baptist Church
Church Staff   home  -  location

Lead Pastor position - vacant

Bill Murawski, Pastor to Students

We had to drag Bill away from Myrtle Beach, SC, to come to Hillsboro. He and his wife, Rachel, arrived in August, 2009. Bill leads our ministries to youth and children. He loves the Lord, loves youth and children, and loves having a great time. And he is replete with awesome-atude-inosity.

Email: Students@HBCnet.org
Cell: 434-964-8078

Anne Rothenberger, Office Administrator

Anne serves part-time heading up all of our communications, organizing, and maintaining Hillsboro's day-to-day operations. Anne and her husband have two exceptionally bright children. In addition to serving at Hillsboro, Anne serves on the Finance Committee and stewardship committees of her church, St. Stephen's in Esmont.

Email: Anne@HBCnet.org
Office Phone: (434) 823-1505